Monday, August 13, 2007

21 (I'm not fun)

Yeah i turned, i'm legally -i don't think mentally yet- an adult, sin embargo en retrospectiva a hace un año, muchos cambios han sucedido en la vida del escritor de este blog.

I could not care less for this or for any other blog, but i like the feeling of write nonesenses when i want to, and that's ok.

Now with 21 years and no more smart. i think that they said that when you get older you don't get wiser, but still it will be a hell of a ride the next 6 months.

I want to do lots of things, and i trying to pay all my atention in all the thins around me.

Now with an unknown present and shit loads of to do lists i have to go.

PS. i still have kick ass music and DVD collection.
PS2. It is not consider sexual harrasment if your boss put a sticker on your suit that imply that you have to received hugs from all the pretty chicks from the office.

Yours truly the author of this blog.

Listening: Faith No More - Easy


Maída said...

"It is not consider sexual harrasment if your boss put a sticker on your suit that imply that you have to received hugs from all the pretty chicks from the office."

Nunca vas a poder superar eso, right?

Connie said...

Chingado...trabaje 10 horas...lo menos que quiero es leer un pinche post en ingles.
Y si, ya no eres divertido. Por lo menos tuviste el gusto de ver a Ladytron antes de cumplir los 21.
5 años de amistad, no mames, todavia me acuerdo cuando ibas a la casa de chicali a hablar con sami de la melissa y que la Aida se me hacia bien cool y el beto hacia fool moon y el compa se me hacia guapo jajaja!, como han cambiado las cosas, ya hasta vivo en tijuana. Ayy ya me estoy poniendo sentimenta...bye!

Eduardo said...

Maida: i hope that i can come up with something funnier.

Connie: si, y esperemos que sean más años.


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